This page lists resources that we have found helpful/interesting on our journey to sustainable agroforestry, non-violent communication, and fruitarianism. Note that we try to learn what we can from whatever source we can. In no way are we suggesting that ALL of the ideas or behaviours of any person or group are worth adopting. Any inaccuracies or harmful recommendations are those of their respective authors.
Information on packing and transporting plants, cuttings, and seeds:
Transporting Plant Material Internationally video
packing seeds (text)
How to Preserve Perishable Tropical Fruit Seeds for 60+ days for Shipping or Storing video
Tim Hartnett’s video on the Consensus Decision Making process:
Consensus 101: Basic Training in Consensus
The Starfish and the Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom – about the success and structure of decentralised organisations
The Marshall Rosenberg seminar on non-violent communication:
(It is 3 hours long, so we recommend watching an hour a day to space it out and better learn the material.)
and/or the corresponding PDF
An introduction to principles of sustainable agriculture:
Permaculture Principles PDF graphic
Permaculture Beginner’s Guide PDF
Sustainability According to Permaculture video
Examples of functioning food forest systems:
Life in Syntropy video
2000-Year-Old Food Forest in Morocco video
Abundance Agroforestry - A syntropic farming guidebook (PDF; also archived for posterity here)
Introduction to botanical taxonomy and nomenclature:
Taxonomy Primer
Binomial Nomenclature
What’s in a (Plant) Name?
Let’s Talk About Soil video
Soil Texture graphic
How to Fix Sandy Soil Using Weeds video
Water Erosion in Arid Climates:
Desert Rain Flash Flood video
Rain season in Oman Wadi video
Trees’ role in the water cycle:
How Trees Bring Water video
How to plant a tree:
Chop and Drop:
The intentional community book Creating A Life Together by Diana Leafe – You can skip the couple chapters about financing land purchases, but reading the rest of it is important to understand the struggles and processes involved in forming and maintaining intentional communities.
The intentional community book Walden Two by behavioural psychologist B.F. Skinner – This is a fictional example of a "successful" intentional community. Note its various issues.
Animal Farm by George Orwell provides a concise illustration of the problems that arise when a community takes on an identity of its own. Do not let this happen to your fruit forest project!
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori and Rom Brafman
The Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins
Factors of Soil Formation by Hans Jenny
Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis
The Vegan Book of Permaculture by Graham Burnett
The Benefits of Vegan Permaculture and Food Forests article – a brief overview with links to more resources
Syntropic Agriculture Resources website – links to additional resources in english
Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants by T.K. Lim (huge book of information on many different plants)
Return to the Brain of Eden by Tony Wright and Graham Gynn
Destination Eden – Fruitarianism Explained by Mango Wodzak – interesting perspective on fruitarianism
Natural Hygiene: Man’s Pristine Way of Life by Herbert Shelton – You cannot heal the body; the body must heal itself.
Orthotrophy by Herbert Shelton – For all of the advancements in nutrition science since this book’s publication, these basic principles stand virtually unchanged.
Anthem by Ayn Rand – Collectivism is dangerous, mmkay?
The True Believer by Eric Hoffer – See above, mmkay?
Global Farm Animal Production and Global Warming: Impacting and Mitigating Climate Change – In the rainforest or in the steppes, animal husbandry is a lose-lose situation.
Animal Agriculture is the Leading Cause of Climate Change: A Climate Healers Position Paper – a more comprehensive look at world greenhouse gas emissions