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Contact Us

The land has been rescued from grazing. Rainfall is increasing due to changes in world climate patterns. Due to lack of volunteers and an irreconcilable conflict of interest with the landowner, we are ending the Cocolandia project. Our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years. We will leave this website online as a tribute to Cocolandia and also as a potential inspiration to others. For anyone seeking to volunteer or donate, we recommend other vegan fruit forest projects in Ecuador. Those interested in starting a similar project, in Zapotillo or elsewhere, are still welcome to contact us for information and advice. Thank you for your interest in regenerative fruit forestry.

If you want to make a donation, you can do so here.

If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer or potential project member, please follow the instructions on the dedicated page.

If you are interested in exchanging plant propagation materials such as seeds or scions, take a look at our wish list. Mango breeders, we want to hear from you!

Are you interested in purchasing nearby land to start a similar project and have questions or would like assistance?

Please read the rest of this website before contacting us, as your questions may be answered there.

Email the nice folks at Cocolandia at...