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Join Cocolandia!

We are looking for vegans that enjoy an ecologically-sustainable dietary lifestyle to join us in our goals of sustainable and regenerative planting, applying fruit-based reforestation and environmentally-friendly construction methods, and decentralising food production while living closer to nature. We welcome and encourage a diverse spectrum of experiences and skills, along with self-motivation, an aspiration to learn, and the initiative to manage various aspects of the project. Knowledge of construction, sustainable methods of food production, ecological technologies, public relations, and massage therapy are a plus.

"If the premises are sufficient, they are so no matter by whom stated." -- Morris R. Cohen

We do not charge money to stay here and help out or to partake in the abundance that the land provides. However, please see our "Info" page for details on the state of the project and the land (including necessities that do indeed exist for each accordingly).

Cocolandia is currently seeking dedicated and resourceful individuals with managerial/leadership skills who would be willing to restart this veganic regenerative agroforestry project with very limited assistance and a small budget based on coconut sales and donations. Tasks include (but are not limited to) constructing ecological housing for members and volunteers, starting and maintaining a plant nursery, hiring/managing workers, harvesting and selling (and consuming) the large quantity of coconuts produced every year, maintaining and improving the irrigation system, and planting various native and exotic nitrogen-fixers, chop-and-drop plants, fruit trees, and perennial vegetables. We ask those interested to read this website to full comprehension before applying to join us.

Cocolandia is also seeking responsible folks willing to support the project by means of buying the land upon which it sits, either individually or as part of a group purchase. This would prevent conflicts of interest between the project and the landowner and thereby protect the land from further degradation until we can reforest it. One need not commit to managing the project or even set foot in Ecuador in order to buy land. We ask those interested to read this website to full comprehension before contacting us.

Daily tasks, work, play, projects, et cetera

  • Soil-building! Composting, mulching, planting ground-cover and chop-and-drop species -- sequestering carbon!
  • Planting! in ground from seed, rooting cuttings, in pots for the nursery, and transplanting
  • Propagating by rooting cuttings, air-layering, grafting
  • Mulching HEAVILY around trees
  • Watering and maintaining the nursery, fertilising plants
  • Chopping (unwanted) weeds and grasses
  • Managing compost from the kitchen and the composting toilets
  • Cleaning the facilities and living spaces
  • Harvesting fruits
  • Pruning large trees
  • Maintaining and upgrading facilities, irrigation, tools, and other infrastructure
  • Collecting important local seeds and plants to propagate
  • Educating oneself on sustainable polyculture principles and agroforestry (planting companions, fruit tree parameters and care)
  • Collecting organic material to add to potting soil (leaves, rice/maize husks, legume pods, and other matter from the surrounding area)
  • Planting toxic herbs and spiny shrubs in order to deter cows and goats (physic nut, alliums, garlic vine, marigold, neem, poisonbean, mesquite...)

Joining Us

Those that share the Vision and Mission of Cocolandia and have a serious interest in joining the quest for (peaceful) world domination via cooperative fruiterrarismblatantly planting as much fruit as possible, regardless of what non-fruitarians may think, in pursuit of the political aim of creating an alternative to Babylon -- derived from "Terra Frutis", respect for personal freedom, and non-violent honesty in communication are encouraged to review to full comprehension the following webpages in their entirety:
and then proceed to submit a volunteer application. We request that each individual planning to arrive at Cocolandia fill out a separate ---- Questionnaire ---- if capable of doing so, even if arriving with others.

A security deposit of 60 USD will be collected from each new arrival. Deductions from this include a share of the monthly utility bills and any incurred costs of replacing lost/broken items or killed plants. Volunteers that stay for less than three weeks forfeit their entire security deposit.

All interested in volunteering and potential membership will have their inquiries/questionnaires reviewed at our Cocolandia meeting. The existing project members will decide via consensus whether to extend an invitation to interested persons who have sent questionnaires. We only accept those who can commit to at least a three-week stay. Accepted applicants are considered volunteers for their first six months here and will work on designated tasks for 20 hours per week, during which time it will become apparent whether they are a proper fit for Cocolandia. Regardless of whether or not they are interested in becoming a long-term member of the project, volunteers will have the opportunity to live and "work" on the land while cultivating experience in building food forests and enjoying the abundant sunshine and aesthetics of one of Ecuador's many beautiful climate zones. During these first six months, volunteers interested in membership may participate in meetings and contribute to the discussion but may not participate in the final decision-making process. After this six-month trial period, existing members will decide via consensus whether to extend full membership. Furthermore, after one month of a volunteer being at Cocolandia, existing members will conduct a preliminary review of whether the person seems reasonably aligned with the values of the project as well as ask the person to review whether the Cocolandia project suits them. If either of these is not the case, the existing members may ask the person to leave. A similar pre-acceptance review also occurs after three months.

Cocolandia is a 100% vegana philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals project -- those that plan to exploit non-human animals, keep them in captivity, or consume their products while involved with Cocolandia need not apply.