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Welcome to the cyberspace home of the tropical oasis known as Cocolandia! We are vegan fruitarians (and aspiring fruitarians) in the southwest of Ecuador that have come together in order to live as sustainably as possible with respect to the natural environment. We plan to achieve this by reforesting severely degraded land with fruit trees and numerous native and non-native support species in order to support our own health as well as the health of our habitat. To read our Vision and Mission, visit our About page.

For more information regarding the land, the current state of the project, how to Join Us, and more, continue reading below.

Project Updates at a Glance

This section will be periodically updated as the project progresses. To see archived versions, click here.

The land has been rescued from grazing. Rainfall is increasing due to changes in world climate patterns. Due to lack of volunteers and an irreconcilable conflict of interest with the landowner, we are ending the Cocolandia project. Our sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years. We will leave this website online as a tribute to Cocolandia and also as a potential inspiration to others. For anyone seeking to volunteer or donate, we recommend other vegan fruit forest projects in Ecuador. Those interested in starting a similar project, in Zapotillo or elsewhere, are still welcome to contact us for information and advice. Thank you for your interest in regenerative fruit forestry.

The Land

Cocolandia is located on a twelve-hectare plot of land that was formerly used as a monoculture coconut farm and cow/goat pasture. There is a river to the south that forms the Ecuadorian-Peruvian border, and there is a highway to the north. Neighbours’ farms occupy the adjacent lands. Over the past 150+ years, this tropical dry forest region has been ravaged by humans and is now almost completely devoid of trees. We will set in motion the gradual and systematic reforestation of the landscape over the next few decades by planting trees, shrubs, palms, and ground-covers in order to simultaneously accumulate organic material, reduce evaporation, and produce food. Cocolandia is fortunate to house a sizeable grove of mesquite trees as well as its 170+ coconut palms. Much of the soil is nothing more than gravel over solid rock due to decades of wind and (infrequent but torrential) water erosion of the topsoil exposed by repeated grazing. Much composting and mulching will be required before most fruit trees can thrive in this environment, so support species are crucial. There is irrigation to the coconuts and the mango tree, and the system can be expanded to reach the rest of the land when needed. There are two large hills divided by a shallow gorge, and the land is otherwise flat excepting a small arroyo.

We harmoniously share this landscape with a myriad of birds (both residents and visitors), bees, wasps, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies (seasonally), ants, spiders, scorpions, snakes (very shy), lizards (including at least two tegús varanos and a large community of iguanas), bats, the occasional squirrel that darts among the coconut fronds, and many others. All animals are comrades.

The climate is warm and dry all year except for a short (and still warm) rainy season. Days of drizzle do not occur here. The minimum temperature on record for Zapotillo is 13°C (July 1980), the maximum 45°C (March 1989). The coldest we have observed is 16°C, the warmest 43°C. Temperatures here typically range from 20°C to 33°C. This is an excellent location for many hot- and dry-climate fruits such as figs, dates, mangos, papayas, dragon fruits, watermelons, jujubes, capsicums, and much more.

Zapotillo climate graph

This graph is based on data available as of 2019. With world climate change now outpacing the effects
of deforestation in this region, the wet season is getting longer, increasing total annual precipitation.

Project Guidelines

We are a vegan and raw* fruitarian project. We have a zero-tolerance policy for carnism and all forms of exploitation of animals. That being said, we do not discriminate based on ethnicity, body type, gender, sexual orientation, neurotype, age, fruit preferences, legal status, country of origin, presence/lack of thumbs, or other attributes that bear no relation to the quality of an individual’s character. No shirt, no shoes, no problem. All vegans with an interest in contributing to the project are welcome to apply to Join Us. Individuals here collaborate while retaining a high degree of autonomy and are not subjugated to the interest of "the group" or dysfunctional collectivist ideologies. We do not use synthetic or (non-human) animal-derived fertilisers or fumigants on the land, and we aim to minimise our use of non-renewable resources such as single-use plastic. Mind-altering drugs of any kind are not to be used on the premises. For more information on proper Cocolandia etiquette and the agreements that we make as members and volunteers, see our By-Laws page (which is forever a work in progress).
*It is advisable to avoid leaving fruit in the sun.

Food / Amenities

There is an abundance of coconuts available to members and volunteers. Coconuts harvested oneself are gratis, and coconuts harvested by workers or as part of a cooperative harvest for the purpose of selling may be purchased by members/volunteers at a reduced cost. In January/February, the single mature mango tree bears (exceptionally delicious) fruits that are shared by all members/volunteers. We sometimes encounter small quantities of wild fruits (such as Solanum pimpinellifolium, Melothria pendula, Cucumis anguria, Momordica balsamina) growing on the land or in the surrounding area. As the food production from the land is not yet sufficient to feed several fruitarians, it is highly recommended to buy or barter for food in town. The town of Zapotillo is approximately 45-60 minutes away on foot. Hitchhiking is usually easy, and taxis pass by throughout the day. Fruits available in town vary by season and day of the week. The main market day is Friday. Typical prices are below.

Local Fruit Prices
  • Mango (Mangifera indica): 3-7 for $1.00 (depends on size, season)
  • Manguita / Mango Ciruelo / Mango de Cerdo (Spondias dulcis): 6-10 for $1.00
  • Ciguela / Jobito (Spondias purpurea): 20-30 for $1.00
  • Pitahaya (Selenicereus undatus): $1.00 each
  • Pitahaya Amarilla (Selenicereus megalanthus): $0.75-$1.00 each
  • Papaya (Carica papaya): $0.50-$2.00 each (depends on size; local are cheaper)
  • Sandía (Citrullus lanatus): $1.00-$4.50 each (depends on size; local are cheaper)
  • Melón (Cucumis melo): $0.50-$1.50 each (depends on size; local are cheaper)
  • Banana (Musa acuminata): 10-15 for $1.00 (Cavendish and Silk)
  • Uva (Roja, Verde, Negra) (Vitis sp.): $2.20-$3.85 per kg
  • Fresa (Fragaria sp.): $2.20-$3.30 per kg (depends on size)
  • Mora (Rubus glaucus): $2.20-$2.75 per kg
  • Arándano (Vaccinium sp.): $12.00 per kg
  • Tomate (Solanum lycopersicum): $0.55-$1.10 per kg
  • Tomate de Arbol (Solanum betaceum): $0.10-$0.25 each
  • Pepino (Cucumis sativus): 3-5 for $1.00
  • Aguacate (Persea americana): $0.25-$0.50 each
  • Aceituna (Olea europaea): $4.40-$5.50 per kg
  • Chirimoya (Annona cherimola): $0.50-$2.50 each
  • Guanábana (Annona muricata): $2.00-$5.00 each
  • Naranja (Citrus × sinensis): 8-20 for $1.00 (depends on size, season)
  • Mandarina (Citrus reticulata): 4-20 for $1.00 (depends on size, season)
  • Limón (Citrus × aurantiifolia): 20-40 for $1.00
  • Piña (Ananas comosus): $0.75-$1.50 each
  • Manzana (Malus pumila): $0.20-$0.25 each
  • Pera (Pyrus communis): $0.20-$0.25 each
  • Kiwifruta (Actinidia deliciosa): 5-7 for $1.00
  • Granada (Punica granatum): $0.50 each
  • Granadilla Dulce (Passiflora ligularis): 5-7 for $1.00
  • Maracuyá (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa): 5-10 for $1.00
  • Babaco (Vasconcellea × heilbornii): $0.75-1.25 each
  • Achotillo (Nephelium lappaceum): 20-40 for $1.00
  • Zapote (Matisia cordata): 3-5 for $1.00
  • Uvilla (Physalis peruviana): $2.20 per kg
  • Guaba / Panaco (Inga spectabilis): $0.25-$0.50 each

Fresh juice is available at either of two _juguerías_ in the market. Fruits offered as juice include _naranja, piña, tomate de arbol, fresa, mora, melón, papaya,_ and _manzana_. Prices range from $2.50 to $3.00 per litre. There is also a woman in town that juices fruits for immediate consumption. She offers _naranja, toronja, manzana, piña_, and sometimes _pepino, papaya, mango_, and _melón_. This juice costs $2.00-$2.50 per litre. One can also bring her fruits from the market to juice for a small fee (usually $1.00 per litre).

While this project focuses on the cultivation and consumption of the most perfect food for the human body, not everyone will find themselves ready to eat a 100% fruitarian diet… and that’s okay! You may want to transition gradually toward a fruitarian diet, or you may want to continue with your current raw food diet during your stay here, or you may want something in between. If you have the desire to eat an abundance of raw fruits, Cocolandia could be the place to make it happen.

The river beach is excellent for bathing, featuring sandy and rocky sections, a calm lagoon where the iguanas swim, and easy access to Peru. The river reaches its highest point in March-April and its lowest point in October-November. There is currently no laundry area or sink on the land, but these can be easily installed, as there is running water already piped to a single faucet. This water is pumped from the river and may or may not contain chemical fertilisers, fumigants, sewage, parasite eggs, Vitamin B12, and so forth, so filtration may be desired before drinking. We use a composting toilet system much like that explained in the "Humanure Handbook" as well as sheet mulching with food scraps as it is very effective and requires very little labour compared to other methods. New arrivals are requested to bring their own bedding, though we do (usually) keep a spare set. Housing is currently in the planning stage. Volunteers are welcome to set up a hammock between mesquite trees anywhere on the land or to pitch a tent in any unplanted location – it rarely rains, and the biting bugs are few and far between for much of the year. We may install solar electricity when funding allows.

Seeds, Cuttings and Grafted Plants

We encourage you to bring exotic plant genetics, as we are starting a biologically-diverse food forest which requires lots of fruit trees and support species that we can’t source locally. Please check out our Plant Wish List.

Medical Care

Medical care from public hospitals or "health centres" is free of charge in Ecuador. No insurance is required. Private clinics do charge, but minor injuries (lacerations, for example) can be treated for much less than in the United States. Zapotillo has a government-funded (public) centro de salud as well as a privately-owned 24-hour emergency clinic. For major surgeries, it’s usually necessary to travel to Macará or Catacocha or Loja. Zapotillo also has a dental clinic that does cleanings and minor surgeries. This dentist is recognised as the regional expert and understands that fruit does not especially damage the teeth. For certain more complicated dental procedures, the dentist may recommend a specialist in Guayaquil. In general, medical care in Ecuador is of similar quality to that of the U.S. and Europe. Those with existing medical conditions are advised to bring any needed medical supplies, as the local pharmacies may not (almost certainly do not) stock vegan versions.

ATMs / Banks / How can I make money?

The town of Zapotillo has a BanEcuador where one can start an account, and there is a Banco de Loja ATM that (supposedly) accepts any Visa or Plus or BanRed debit card. Certain tiendas (small stores) in town have partnered with Banco Pichincha or Banco Guayaquil for withdrawals and deposits, but one must travel to Loja or Machala in order to open an account. Cocolandia members of at least six months (after approval) are entitled to 5% of net coconut profits. If one has marketable skills, it is possible to work an online job or find odd jobs in town such as selling handicrafts.

What To Bring

Bring durable long-sleeved shirts and trousers for work. Many of the local plants produce an abundance of prickly seeds that scratch skin and adhere to clothing. Breathable natural-fibre clothing (cotton, hemp, jute, coconut, banana…) holds up very well here.

A flashlight or headlamp, preferably with high-quality NiMH batteries (such as Panasonic eneloop) and a charger, and/or a high-quality hand-crank flashlight (no charger needed).

Work boots are recommended. Mesquite thorns can and do puncture thin-soled shoes. It is possible to purchase work boots in town, but if you require larger than size 43 Euro (~10 US), it’s advisable to bring a pair of Wellington-style calf-height rubber work boots (a.k.a. "wellies") with you, as the stores here do not sell them in higher sizes.

Running shoes, sandals, quality knee-high socks, shorts, and a general hygiene kit (including preferred dental-care supplies if you’re into that) are things to consider, as vegan and environmental products are not commonly sold here.

Your electronics: there is an import tax on electronics here, and as a result prices are often 35-100% more than they would be in many other countries. Depending on where you are coming from, you may want to bring an electrical adapter. The electrical outlets here are 127V/60Hz and compatible with North American plugs.

A wide-brimmed hat is very helpful for working in the direct equatorial sun.

A Spanish-English dictionary or similar materials (common phrase book, book on verb conjugations) will help with your Spanish language studies.

Bring money in smaller values: $1 bills or coins, and $5s, and $10s. $20s are okay but harder to break unless you are making a large purchase, and bringing $50s or $100s is ill-advised, as they are most difficult to change out.

If you are flying from the USA (or other country), there may be items that we wish to ship to you and have you bring. For example, personal items that would be too expensive to ship down, or tools that are easier to find in the USA or Europe. If you have any luggage space for small items, please let us know, as we always have at least some small list of things that are useful to bring along! Of course, seeds and plants are always welcome.

Depending on your sleeping preferences, you will likely want to bring or purchase a yoga mat or mattress, along with a light sheet/blanket or a sleeping bag. The hammock life here is also quite pleasant, so that is a viable option, as is pitching a tent. For the true fruit bats, there are plenty of mesquite trees in which to sleep.

If you bring bug-netting (as part of a tent, hammock bug-net, et cetera) the holes should be 0.5mm across or smaller (normal mosquito nets are 1mm) as some of the biting insects, though usually few, are much smaller than mosquitos. Simple rectangular/bed-shaped bug nets are available for purchase in Ecuador.


  • Earplugs – The river and local animals can be loud.
  • Swimwear
  • A yoga mat
  • A tent if the hammock life is not for you
  • Your musical instruments
  • Books to read and/or share
  • A reusable water bottle
  • If you are picky with water you may want to bring a (backpacking) water filter.
  • Reusable shopping bag(s)

Visa and Immigration

A three-month visa is extended free to foreigners from many countries, including USA. It can be extended to six-month for approximately $130. Please note that unlike, say, Costa Rica, Ecuador does not have a “perpetual tourism” option wherein you can continually renew a standard tourist visa and legally live there indefinitely.

If you have a college/university degree you can get a two-year professional temporary residency visa – no proof of work required, only the college degree, proof of income (can just be monthly deposits into a bank account, not necessarily from work) and some other paperwork. The fee for this visa is $500. A police report/identity history/et cetera must be procured from your original area of residence, and this is valid for only 3 months. An apostilled copy of your degree/transcript/et cetera are other requirements – you can do a web search to find the exact process, or contact an immigration attorney. After 21 months on the temporary residency visa, you can apply for the permanent residency visa more or less the same way. The solicitud and other paperwork for each visa costs $50.

Another option is to invest $45k in a certificate of deposit (CD) or business or piece of land/real estate in Ecuador. Keep in mind that the $45k value of the property must be tax-appraised, not market rate. A property might sell for $45k but only be tax-appraised at $30k, so this would not qualify you for residency. You’d have to build a house on it in order to raise the value to over $45k.

A couple (non-residential okay) can have a baby in the country, and then both parents can apply for permanent residency based on their relationship to the child who will be a natural Ecuadorian citizen. Or, one can marry an Ecuadorian citizen.

All of these options require paperwork to be completed perfectly and many long bus rides to the capital, delays, red tape, et cetera. It is often easier to pay an attorney or immigration facilitator ($500 or more) to do it all for you.

See also: "Ecuador Immigration! How to stay legally" on Invidious.