Archived Project Updates
Currently, we are in the beginning stages of the reforestation and the renovation of the infrastructure. Food production from the land is limited to an abundance of coconuts (year-round) and a small quantity of mangos in January/February. Housing is currently in the planning stage. Volunteers are welcome to set up a hammock between mesquite trees anywhere on the land – it rarely rains, and the biting bugs are few and far between for much of the year. We are looking to become energy-independent, so we may install solar electricity when funding allows, and experience with installing/wiring solar panels is therefore appreciated. The main challenges at this time are securing our day-to-day food supply by planting short-term fruit-bearing plants and developing the infrastructure and the soil so that we can begin planting long-term fruit-bearing plants (figs, dates, mangos…). At the moment, we are roughing it.
NOTE that the Cocolandia project is currently on hold due to multiple factors including lack of funds and lack of assistance. We are currently seeking dedicated and resourceful individuals with managerial/leadership skills who want to restart this veganic regenerative agroforestry project with limited assistance and/or responsible folks who want to support the project by means of buying the land upon which it sits. We ask those interested to read this website to full comprehension before applying to Join Us.